Sunday 5 June 2011

Just how dumb do you think I am?

As I mentioned previously, I have my fair share of sumnb blonde moments. However, when watching a documentary on penguins today, one kind souls took it upon themselves to exlain to me how water expands as it freezes. Funnily enough, I knew this!! Basic chemistry told me that!! The dilema I faced was whether or not to adopt a condescending tone and explain that I have a chemistry A level and Biochem degree. Sadly, the polite side got the better of me and instead I nodded and smiled along, probably fuelling the unspoken assumption that I am a bit of an airhead. Ah well - sometimes it seems that I can't even manage to help myself!

Here's hoping that at some point in the near future I will figure out a polite way to state that I have a brain without souding like I'm just tooting my own horn. Ideas? Anyone?

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